Sunday, July 29, 2007

Welcome to Fresh and Local

I haunt several farmers' markets on a weekly basis, always with camera in hand. I shop too, but mostly I take photos of the incredible, infinite variety on offer at my markets. I first fell in love with photographing food (mostly fruit and vegetables) while working at FoodShare Toronto but it really became a passion (obsession?) when I discovered the Dufferin Grove organic farmers' market 4 years ago. It's been the place to go in Toronto if you want organic local food and want to get on a first name basis with the people who grow it.

The current local food boom now means that there are many, many more farmers markets in Toronto--pretty much one each day of the week. There aren't enough farmers to go around though, so chances are, I'll see some of the same farmers at Trinity-Bellwoods, Riverdale, the Brickworks, or Withrow as I'll see at Dufferin Grove. But Dufferin Grove remains my favorite, and I think it is also the favorite of the farmers.

So this blog will be primarily a photo blog, featuring what I've seen during the week at Dufferin Grove and other markets. The first photos that I post may be from a few weeks (or even months) ago--I have some catching up to do in my photo processing. And occasionally I'll write about something of relevance to food and agriculture but since I'm a photographer first and writer second, it's mostly going to be photos.

Enjoy--and buy local!


magda o said...

I hope you continue to blog!

Unknown said...

Laura these are so beautiful. This week in trying to figure out computers i am going to put new links in and I definitely want to add you.
Check out my site, she is finally done (ish)

Take care.

Beth Lawrence